Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Ways Of Achieving Our Wishes

Name: Hotsandy Wetday
Class : 4 KB 06
Jurusan : System Computer

Ways Of Achieving Our Wishes
First I selasai After college will get employment I ask as a transportation agencies, after that I want to produce a vehicle and in my dream I have more income. I would like to buy a house with my hard work and I was alone in having the money I make, therefore I want mempuyai spouse and I have to be independent in my household will have to be prepared to deal with that. I'll believe what I do in life given by God, I was working in my own family life. I also wanted to give me the results of hard work to my parents, and I also want to help to create a pakerjaaan adeku extant study. Once I've had money I would like to have a very maximum effort to memberiakan side job in life, and I can already my income will provide a home for my parents where parents and adeku I want to provide the best in family later.

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