Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Make 5 sentences using may to express possibility

Tulisan 3 Bahasa inggris 2

1. It may Sunny Tomorrow
2. I'don't know. She may have be sick today
3. Yes, children, you may have a Rice after dinner
4. You may not have a ice cream
5. Budi may be sick

Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris

Soal : What are you going to do tomorrow night ?
Jawab : Hmm, I may play a game until morning, because tomorrow it's satnite after all.

Soal : What's the weather going to be like tomorrow ?
Jawab : Hmm, maybe the weather going to be sunny day tomorrow . after all, this is summer season.

Soal : What is (He) going to do tonight ?
Jawab : Hmm, he might do weird things again.

Soal : I'm taking something out of my briefcase/purse/pocket/wallet. It's small and I'm holding it in my fist. What is it ?
Jawab : Hmm, Maybe it's your doll's keychains.

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Make the sentence using moreover, furthermore, besides, otherwise, and meanwhile.

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Npm   : 26109301
Kelas  : 4KB 06

TULISAN : Make the sentence using moreover, furthermore, besides, otherwise, and meanwhile.
1.  Mr. Lutfi is the richest man in Samarinda; Moreover, he is very generous.
2.  If you are sure, Meanwhile I must believe you.
3.  We must be early ; Otherwise , we won't get seat
4.  I can't go now. I am busy.Besides my passport is out of date
5. We believe that the project is possible. Furthermore, we believe that we can do it within a few months

Conjunctive AdVerb

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday 
Npm   : 26109301
Kelas  : 4KB06

TUGAS : Do the exercise page.63 (conjunctive adverbs) no 1-6.

1. John was sick Therefore , he didn't come to school 
2. Mr.Smith doesn't like his aunt: However, he invited her to his wedding .
3. You should get the licence right away : Otherwise you II have to pay a fine.
4. I don't feel like going to that party, Besides, I have a bad cold , so, I go out.
5. I  gave him instruction not to send the letter, however , I'm not sorry I told
6. The weather has been extremely could all winter long : Therefore  , they are going to miami Beach to get some sunshine.

Minggu, 21 April 2013


Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4KB06
NPM : 26109301

1. He walked towards to the door one hours ago.
2. She Went to school yesteday

Tugas Bahasa inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4KB06
NPM : 26109301

Tugas Halaman 23, Latihan 4, Nomor 2 ~ 6

2. We Eaten a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant last Night.
3. When it Began to rain yesterday afternoon, I Shut all of the windows in the apartement.
4. Chris hurt his finger when he was fixing his dinner last night. he accidentally cut it with a sharp knife.
5. I Don't have any money in my pocket. I Spent my last dime yesterday. I'm Flat broke.
6. Jessica didn't throw her old shoes away, she kept them because they were comfortable

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Tugas Animasi

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4 kb 06
Npm : 26109301

1.Animasi cel
            Bahan dasar dalam pembuatan animasi jenis ini ketika tahun-tahun awal adanya animasi. Animasi cel merupakan lembaran-lembaran yang membentuk animasi tunggal, masing-masing cel merupakan bagian yang terpisah sebagai objek animasi. misalnya ada tiga buah animasi cel, cel pertama berisi satu animasi karakter, cel kedua berisi animasi karakter lain, dan cel terakhir berisi latar animasi. Ketiga animasi cel ini akan disusun berjajar, sehingga ketika dijalankan animasinya secara bersamaan, terlihat seperti satu kesatuan. Contoh animasi jenis ini adalah film kartun seperti Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse dan Detectif Conan.

2.Animasi frame
             Animasi frame merupakan animasi yang paling sederhana, dimana animasinya didapatkan dari rangkaian gambar yang bergantian ditunjukan, pergantian gambar ini diukur dalam satuan fps (frame per second). Contoh animasi ini adalah ketika kita membuat rangkaian gambar yang berbeda pada tepian sebuah buku, kemudian kita buka buku tersebut sedemikian rupa menggunakan jempol, maka gambar akan terlihat bergerak. Dalam Macromedia Flash, animasi ini dibuat dengan teknik animasi keyframe, teknik ini sering digunakan untuk mendapatkan animasi objek yang tidak bisa didapatkan dengan teknik animasi tween, teknik animasi path dan teknik animasi script.

3. Animasi Karakter
            Animasi karakter merupakan sebuah cabang khusus animasi. Animasi karakter dapat di lihat dalam film kartun. Animasi ini berbeda dengan animasi lainnya, misalnya animasi logo yang melibatkan bentuk on organik dengan penggandan yang banyak. Animasi karakter menghasilkan gerakan yang hierarkis.
4.Animasi path
                Animasi path adalah animasi dari objek yang gerakannya mengikuti garis lintasan yang sudah ditentukan. Contoh animasi jenis ini adalah animasi kereta api yang bergerak mengikuti lintasan rel. Biasanya dalam animasi path diberi perulangan animasi, sehingga animasi terus berulang hingga mencapai kondisi tertentu. Dalam Macromedia Flash, animasi jenis ini didapatkan dengan teknik animasi path, teknik ini menggunakan layer tersendiri yang didefinisikan sebagai lintasan gerakan objek.

5. Animasi sprite
               Pada animasi ini setiap objek bergerak secara mandiri dengan latar belakang yang diam, setiap objek animasi disebut “sprite”. Tidak seperti animasi cel dan animasi frame, setiap objek dalam animasi sprite bergerak tidak dalam waktu bersamaan, memiliki besar fps yang berbeda dan pengeditan hanya dapat dilakukan pada masing-masing objek sprite. Contoh animasi ini adalah animasi rotasi planet, burung terbang dan bola yang memantul. Penggunaan animasi jenis ini sering digunakan dalam Macromedia Director.

6. Animasi Vektor
            Animasi vektor serupa dengan animasi sprite. Animasi sprite menggunakan bitmap untuk sprite. Animasi vektor menjadikan objek bergerak dengan memfariasikan ketiga parameter ujung pangkal, arah, dan panjang pada segmen-segmen garis yang menentukan objek.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

definisi : broadcasting, entertaiment, research/ develoment, health

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4 kb 06
Npm : 26109301

Definisi Broadcasting
Sebuah metode pengiriman data,dimana kata dikirimkan banyak titik sekaligus , tanpa melakukan pengecekan apakah titik tersebut siap atau tidak, atau tanpa memperhatikan apakah data itu sampai atau tidak atau dapat jga diartikan sebagai layanan server ke client yang menyebarkan data kepada beberapa client sekaligus dengan cara parallel dengan akses yang cukup cepat dari sumber video  atau audio .
Definisi Entertaiment
Suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh suatu organisasi yang bertujuan untuk menberikan hiburan kepada  para penikmat hiburan baik music film atau jenis hiburan lainnya .
Definisi Research / Develoment
Sebuah strategi atau metode yang cukup ampuh untuk memperbaiki atau mengembangkan bahkan menyempurkan s uatu proses yang sudah berjalan
Kondisi umum dari seseorang dalam semua aspek . ini juga merupakan tingkat fungsional dan atau efisiensi metabolism organism.  

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Simple Progressive

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4 kb 06

5 Simple Progressive : 

1.She's smilling at me
2. He's talking to someone
3. I'm waiting for someone
4. We are working hard today 
5. Someone is talking the umbrella

Simple Present Tense

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4 kb 06

5 Simple Present  Tense :

1. The students go to school everyday
2. She studies english twice a week
3. They eat at restaurant on sundays
4. We celebrate our independence day once in a year
5. The sun sets down in the west

Definition Memo

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4 kb 06

Definition MEMO :
                        A Short Message sent from one person to another in the same organization 

definition application letter

Nama : Hotsandy Wetday
Kelas : 4 kb 06

Definition Application Letter
Application letter is merely another name for a cover letter, the official business letter often included with a job application and/or resume and sent to a prospective employer. Although application letters are generally considered optional components of applying for a job, more and more frequently, employers are singling out those who actually take the time to write an application letter as their top picks.

Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Habits Of Highly Effective

Habits Of Highly Effective

Basically when I was 13 years old I would be in the habit of playing the ball, and therefore I will give you an expertise in the field of sports, every time I smp I want bangat playing ball together my friends. At the finish I was obliged to come home from school to play football with my friends and I play different opponents with different groups, I had to learn how to play ball technique that, through it I entered the competition to play ball, I get to be a football player in play group premises. Selasai had grade 3 dvd I've wanted to quit playing football because I want the focus to tap into the semester exams and I stopped in total to play ball so I wanted to go in state high school, so I have achieved a very satisfactory, and so far I has been reduced to playing football because it was finished I wanted to finish high school because it has reached the mandatory college my dream dreamed in this lecture. Until this moment I stop completely so as not to play ball is the focus for the study again because I've wanted to not play like at the time still in school.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Ways Of Achieving Our Wishes

Name: Hotsandy Wetday
Class : 4 KB 06
Jurusan : System Computer

Ways Of Achieving Our Wishes
First I selasai After college will get employment I ask as a transportation agencies, after that I want to produce a vehicle and in my dream I have more income. I would like to buy a house with my hard work and I was alone in having the money I make, therefore I want mempuyai spouse and I have to be independent in my household will have to be prepared to deal with that. I'll believe what I do in life given by God, I was working in my own family life. I also wanted to give me the results of hard work to my parents, and I also want to help to create a pakerjaaan adeku extant study. Once I've had money I would like to have a very maximum effort to memberiakan side job in life, and I can already my income will provide a home for my parents where parents and adeku I want to provide the best in family later.